Eyeborg Project

May 17th, 2009

At some point in the Ithaca Times interview I mention the lovely and talented Mr. Rob Spence from the Eyeborg Project.

Rob is a photographer who lost an eye and is working with engineer Kosta Grammatis to replace the eye with a camera. It isn’t “wet-wired” but it’s really, really badass and he has been on pretty much every talk show and news program in the past six months.

I did a remix of the Canadian Rock band Chilliwack hit from 1982 for the Eyeborg Phase II video and you bet you can check it out in this post or on Eyeborgproject.com. Love the terminator red LED eye! How’s that for technology?

much digital love,

Eliajh Bet Thorne

here’s the video-

Eyeborg Phase II from eyeborg on Vimeo.


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